5Rhythms Tuesday Zoom 8P LA time/日本水曜お昼 (1)
Tue, May 05
|at your home in the world!
5Rhythms Tuesday Class is ONLINE now. Tuesday 8PM-9PM via ZOOM. Let's dance together! if you enjoyed the class, donation would be great from link below. ZOOM Registration (Copy & paste please) https://zoom.us/meeting/register/uZwqceisqj8qaYgU7lLy14SzTRGWhvtiKQ

Time & Location
May 05, 2020, 8:00 PM – 8:05 PM PDT
at your home in the world!, LA CA
About the Event
Shake the body!!
I am ZOOMing from LA.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 875 842 5386
Password: 1234555
LA Tuesday 8PM
JAPAN / KOREA Wednesday 12PM
NY Tuesday11PM
Thai, Bali Wednesday 10AM
Hawaii Tuesday 5PM
- strongly recommended join with laptop / desktop computer instead of smart phone.
- Please video ON. I need create safe container to everybody. nobody watching only. everybody dancing together space.
- Please switch to Gallery View. you can see everybody. you can switch Speaker view to Gallery view with "littlt dots icon" right top of the zoom screen. next to the full screen mode.
- Please connect 5min ahead.
- Zoom help video is here "how to zoom" video
- your donation will be highly appreciated Donate from here >
このクラスは:英語でのガイドとなりますため、経験者対象です。ロサンゼルス、ローカルが優先いたしますので、日本からの参加枠は7名様までとさせていただきます。お早めにお申込みください。 ご寄付いただけると嬉しいです。 ドネーションはこちらから >